Trip planning
Here are a few websites that we found useful in the planning of our trip. In addition, we took Paddy Dillon's Cicerone GR20 guide with us, which we found to be generally informative and worth having.A detailed website covering all stages on the GR20, including some information about hotels and refuges.
The official website of the national park, where you can book refuges in advance:
This is the website of some French guys who did the GR20 in 7 days. We followed their schedule (except, as it turned out, for Day 6)
A useful website about trains and buses which you can use to plan your approach and escape from the route.
A fantastic mapping resource. On our trip we decided not to take topographic maps as these would have been too heavy and bulky to carry. Instead, we took screen-shots at approx. 1:40000 scale using this website, stitched them together, and printed them out. This resulted in seven A3 sheets which covered the whole route at a high level of detail (one A3 sheet per day). We carried these in a waterproof liner and found them to be more than sufficient.
Blog development
We used this site to convert our GPS tracking device files' native TES format to XML.This one we used to generate the code for the embedded Google Earth widgets:
Here is a blog from a bloke who has run the 5 day GR20 race.
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